2. Study to Determine the Indications and Frequency of Elective and Emergency Caesarean Section in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Nargis Taj1, Fouzia Jan1, Ghazala Taj1, Fouzia Anwar1, Mohammad Hashim Mengal2 and Safia Taj1
Objective: The objective of the analysis was to determine the frequency of elective and urgent cesarean sections as well as clinical indications.
Study Design: ADescriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department unit III of Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta for one-year duration from May 2019 to May 2020.
Materials and Methods: The study included consecutive females who gave birth throughout the study duration in the hospital. There were 750 patients in total who gave birth in the hospital. The basic demographics and mode of delivery of patients undergoing elective and emergency cesarean section were documented. The clinical signs of surgery were also documented.
Results: There were 750 births in the analyzed period. Of the 750, 190 were cesarean births, the rest were natural births. The frequency of cesarean sections was 25.33 per 100 deliveries. Of these, 81.05% (154) was an emergency cesarean section, 18.94% (36) was an elective cesarean section. Considering that the age of mothers of patients who have undergone cesarean section ranges from 18 to 45 years; 25% were under the age of 20, 60% were between 20 and 30 years of age, 13% were between 30 and 40 years of age and 2% were over 40 years of age. The most common pointers for C-section were failure to progress/ obstructive labour 18.80 % (n=29), foetal distress 20.1% (n=31), breech presentation 8.40% (n=13), previous caesarean section 15.0% (n=40), failed induction 6.50%
(n=110), cephalo-pelvic disproportion 3.90 % (n=6) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) 3.90% (n=6) Conclusion: The cesarean section frequency was only somewhat advanced than endorsed by the WHO. Maximum of the cesarean sections were emergency cesarean sections.
Key Words: Cesarean Section, Frequency, Emergency, Elective, Indications.
Citation of article: Taj N, Jan F, Taj G, Anwar F, Mengal MH, Taj S. Study to Determine the Indications and Frequency of Elective and Emergency Caesarean Section in A Tertiary Care Hospital. Med Forum