2. Nephrotoxic Effects of Omeprazole on Renal Vasculature of Albino Wister Rats By Histopathological Study
Amna Mubeen1, Muhammad Javed1 and Nusrat Manzoor2 |
Objective: To evaluate the nephrotoxicity of increasing doses of omeprazole on the renal blood vessels by the use of an animal model
Study design: Randomized control trial
Materials and Methods: A total of 45 albino wister rats were procured from the Veterinary University Lahore. The animals were randomly divided into three groups, a control group (n=15) that was given distilled water, 2nd group (n=15) was given omeprazole per oral at a dose of 0.3mg/Kg BD and the 3rd group (n=15) was feed with omeprazole at a dose of 0.6 mg/Kg BD. None of the rats died during the study. The animals were sacrificed after 6 weeks of drug administration and the kidneys were dissected out. Histopathology was done to evaluate the slides under the light microscope for glomerular congestion and atrophy, and congestion of blood vessels and haemorrhage in the interstitium. Judgment standards set were either absence or presence of these parameters
Results: None of the rats in the control group (n=15) showed any evidence of injury to the kidneys. While in group 2 (n=15) who were given 0.3mg/Kg 60% (n=9) showed glomerular congestion (P value < 0.0001) while glomerular atrophy was noted in 13.33% (n=2). (P< 0.0001). Group 3 were given 0.6mg/Kg equivalent to dose of 40mg omeprazole BD of 70 Kg of human. This group showed glomerular c ngesti n in 86.67% (n=13) (P< 0.0001) while glomerular atrophy was noted in 26.67% (n=4). (P< 0.0001) .Hist path l gy f the interstitium also showed an increasing tendency of injury as the dose of the omeprazole is increased. In group 2 The injury to interstitium was observed in 33.33 % (n=5 )(P= P< 0.0001) while in group 3 it was observed in 53.33% (n= 8)(P= P< 0.0001)
Conclusion: It was observed that omeprazole has tox effe ts n the blood vessels of the kidney as shown by the glomerular congestion and atrophy along with the hemorrhage and congestion of the renal interstitium. The incidence of these toxic effects increases as the dose of the drug s in reased. Key Words: Nephrotoxicity, Histopathology, Co gest o , Atrophy, Omeprazole,
Citation of article: Mubeen A, Javed M, Ma z or N. Nephrotoxic Effects of Omeprazole on Renal Vasculature of Albino Wister Rats By His path l gical Study. Med Forum 2016;27(8):6-9