2. Frequency of Prediabetes and its Association with Lipid Profile in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
1. Naima Umar 2. Summayah Niazi 3. Aftab Rabbani 4. Umar Farooq Dar
1. Asstt. Prof. of Physiology, GMC, Gujranwala 2. Asstt. Professor of Physiology, FMC, Islamabad 3. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, SM&DC, Lahore 4. Asstt. Prof. of Community Medicine, GMC, Gujranwala.
Objective: To determine the frequency of prediabetes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and to compare the mean values of cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins in patients of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with and without prediabetes. Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Medical Outpatient Department, Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore from 30th December 2013 to 29th June 2014.
Materials and Methods: Three hundred twenty five patients with ultrasonic diagnosis of NAFLD were included. All the patients with other causes like alcohol, viral hepatitis, toxins and drugs were excluded. All patients were screened by Glucose tolerance test (GTT) and if post GTT, blood sugar level came out greater than mg/dl, it was labeled prediabetes. Lipid profile was compared in both groups.
Results: Frequency of the pre-Diabetes is quite high in our populati n with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease i.e.82.2% and means values of cholesterol, triglyceride low density f lip pr tein and high density lipoprotein in patients of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are equally distributed patients with and without pre-diabetes. These mean values are, mean value of cholesterols patients with pre -diabetes was 1.86.8±2.3 mg/dl while without pre-diabetes it was 193.4±40.8 mg/dl while mean triglyceride level in patients with pre-diabetes was 180.5±37.2 mg/dl while without pre-diabetes patients it was with 180.7±40.4 mg/dl. Similarly the mean LDL level was 157.8±19.4 mg/dl and with pre-diabetes and 156.8±19.8 mg/dl in pat ents of NAFLD without pre-diabetes.
Conclusion: It is concluded that frequency of pred abetes and dyslipidemia is quite high so we should screen all patients of NAFLD for glucose intolerance.
Key Words: Diabetes, Prediabetes, Glucose t lera ce test, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Citation of article: Umar N, Niazi S, Rabbani A, Dar UF. Frequency of Prediabetes and its Association with Lipid Profile in Patients with Non-Alcoh lic Fatty Liver Disease. Med Forum 2016;27(3):6-8.