2. Cardiovascular and Renal Protection in Type 2 Diabetic Hypertensive Patients. The Role of Calcium Channel Blockers
1. Zeba Saeed 2. Syed Mohsin Turab 3. Munir Hussain Siddiqui 4. Afzal Qasim
5. Akhtar Ali Baloch 6. Jawad-us-Salam 7. Syeda Amber Zaidi
1. Asstt. Prof. of Community Health Sciences, JM&DC, Karachi 2. Prof. of Pharmacology & Therapeutics,
HCM&D, HU, Karachi 3. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, DIMC, DUHS, Karachi 4. Asstt. Prof. of Cardiology, DIMC,
DUHS, Karachi 5. Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, DIMC, DUHS, Karachi 6. Asstt. Prof. of Neurology, DIMC, DUHS,
Karachi 7. Lecturer of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, HCM&D, HU, Karachi
Objective: To study the effects of Calcium Channel Blocker (Amlodipine) as monotherapy in diagnosed hypertensive, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients.
Study Design: Prospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Jinnah post graduate medical centre (JPMC) Karachi, in collaboration with the department of medicine JPMC, Karachi from July 2010 to January 2011.
Materials and Methods: This study is to examine the effects of Amlodipine in type 2 diabetic hypertensive patients with base line proteinuria. 20 normal subjects were also selected as a control group.
Results: with CCB (Amlodipine) baseline to final change for SBP as well as DBP was significantly reduced i.e. 24.70 % (p<0.001) and 16.20% (p<0.001) respectively. CCB showed 44% (p<0.001) reduction in FBS, creatinine clearance reduced by 8.10% (p<0.5), serum potassium reduced by 4.50%, non significant increase in serum urea i.e.
3.70% and serum creatinine i.e. 3.8% was observed.
Conclusion: Aim of treating hypertension is to control or limit its cardiovascular complications; CCBs are the drug of choice in controlling blood pressure and to prevent the progress of cardiovascular events in patients without diabetic nephropathy as well as reserves for add-on therapy in hypertensive patients complicated with diabetic nephropathy.
Key Words: Cardiovascular, Renal Protection, Diabetic Hypertension, Calcium Channel Blockers
Citation of article: Saeed Z, Turab SM, Siddiqui MH, Qasim A, Baloch AA, Salam J, Zaidi SA. Cardiovascular and Renal Protection in Type 2 Diabetic Hypertensive Patients. The Role of Calcium Channel
Blockers. Med Forum 2015;26(5):5-8.