19. Pattern of Psychiatric Morbidity in Suicide Attempters
Jamil Junejo1, Inayatullah Awan2, Anoop Kumar3, Jawed Akbar Dars4, Bharat Kumar5 and Zuhaib Ahmed2
Objective: To determine psychiatric morbidity among those who presented to the tertiary care hospital due to attempted suicide.
Study Design: An observational-cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Sir Cowasjee Jahangir Institute of Psychiatry, Liaquat University hospital Hyderabad Pakistan from January 2011 to December 2011.
Materials and Methods: General Health Questionnaire -28 was used for Psychiatric screening; detailed medical antiquity and psychological state checkup were conducted by using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual –IV Text Revised; the data was entered in excel sheet in SSP - 20 version; and Chi- Square test was applied.
Results: Prevalence of psychiatric disorders were reported: “mood disorders” (35%), “Anxiety disorders” (17.5%), “Schizophrenia” (5%), “Personality disorder” (4 %), “Substance use disorders” (15.5%), “Organic Mental Disorder”
(2%), “Other Psychotic Disorders” (8%), and “Co-morbid Psychiatric Disorders” (13%).
Conclusion: The study concludes that psychiatric disorders were highly frequent among those who reported to hospital due to attempted suicide. It is suggested that the stigma about mental illness should be reduced and people should be encouraged to seek proper psychiatric consultation. Further, Undetected psychiatric illnesses may lead to untimely suicide attempt.
Key Words: Attempted suicide, Psychiatric Disorders and Stigma
Citation of article: Junejo J, Awan I, Kumar A, Dars JA, Kumar B, Ahmed Z. Pattern of Psychiatric Morbidity in Suicide Attempters. Med Forum 2021;32(2):80-82.