19. Evaluation of Biochemical Profile in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women, Mirpur AJK
Aurooj Fatima1, Bushra Kant3, Beenish Samreen Hamid4 and Asnad2
Objective: To evaluate biochemical profile in pregnant women in Mirpur, AJK.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur, AJK from January 2019 to May 2019.
Materials and Methods: We selected 100 women for our study and we divide into two groups in which 80 pregnant women and 20 non-pregnant women from one hospital of Mirurajk . We take blood sample for biochemical study. We measure glucose level in both groups in pregnant women and non -pregnant women. We also measured Total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, High density lipoprotein, IDL and triglyceride in both groups in pregnant women and non-pregnant women. We measured all samples by Microlab 300 equipment. For measuring we used Merk kits of glucose and lipid profile.
Results: We observed in our study that glucose level in serum is high in pregnant women as compare to non-pregnant women. We found that fasting glucose mg/dl level is (110.8 ± 10.2) in pregnant women while in non-pregnant women fasting glucose levelmg/dl is (97.4 ± 9.4). Lipid profile is also high in pregnant women as compare to non-pregnant women. Total cholesterol level in pregnant women is higher compare to non-pregnant women. Total cholesterol in pregnant women is (241. ± 13.8)mg/dl and in non- pregnant women is (193.6 ± 31.5)mg/dl. LDL value in pregnant women is (126.8 ± 23.5)mg/dl and in non-pregnant women is (117.5± 19.5)mg/dl. HDL value in the pregnant women is (58. ± 9.5)mg/dl and in non-pregnant women is (43.5 ± 10.2)mg/dl. Total glyceride value in pregnant women is (171.2 ± 36.5)mg/dl.
Conclusion: Itisconcluding that with passage of pregnancy the lipid level is high in pregnant women .In non-pregnant women the level remains constant. There is some variation occurred in our study to other study in biochemical profile and it is due to environmental, factor, age, race and socio-economic factors.
Key Words: Pregnant women,Biochemical profile, non-pregnant women.
Citation of article: Fatima A, Kant B, Hamid BBS, Asnad. Evaluation of Biochemical Profile in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women, Mirpur AJK. Med Forum 2019;30(12):76-79.