19. Comparison of Post-Operative Pain Between Standard Versus Mini-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Awais Ahmad1, Muhammad Asif1, Junaid Jamil Khattak2, Ilyas Zahoor3, Muhammad Salman Khan1 and Kausar Anwar1
Objective: To compare postoperative pain between standard vs mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Study Design: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Urology Department, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar from June 9th, 2022 to June 9th, 2023.
Methods: A total of 140 patients with kidney stones (more than 10mm) were randomly allocated in two groups. Patients of Group A were subjected to mini PCNL while group B were subjected to standard PCNL. Follow-up was done to determine the intensity of pain on Visual Analogue Score (VAS).
Results: In group A mean age was 36.3+8.5 years and in group B it was 38.9+10.1 years (p=0.096). Males in group A were 57.1% compared to 70% in group B (p=0.114). 14.5+3.7mm was mean size of stone in group A compared to 15.5+3.3mm in group B (p=0.071). The mean BMI of group A was 26.3+3.5kg/m2 compared to 26.2+3.3kg/m2 in group B (p=0.893). 14.3% in group A were diabetic compared to 17.1% in group B (p=0.642). 8.6% in group A were hypertensive compared to 11.4% in group B (p=0.573). 12.9% in group A were smokers compared to 24.3% in group B (p=0.082). On follow-up, the mean postoperative pain on the visual analogue scale in the group mPCNL group was 2.5+0.9 compared to 3.1+1.1 in the sPCNL group (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Mini PCNL is associated with less postoperative pain than standard PCNL. We recommend, taking into account the side effects of both procedures, more randomized control trails with larger samples.
Key Words: Urolithiasis, Pain, visual analogue scale, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy( PCNL)
Citation of article: Ahmad A, Asif M, Khattak JJ, Zahoor I, Khan MS, Anwar K. Comparison of Post-Operative Pain Between Standard Versus Mini-Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Med Forum 2023;34(12):
79-83. doi:10.60110/medforum.341219.