18.Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Sameena Pari1, Mehwish Niaz2, Laraib Khan3, Rida Aziz4 and
Aneela Aslam5
Objective: To find out the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in women during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Study Design: Cross-sectional survey research study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the conducted at the Department of Physiotherapy, CMH, Lahore from Oct 2020 to March 2021.
Materials and Methods: Three hundred and twenty-two pregnant women in the third trimester had participated in this study taken from both private and government hospitals, aged between 18 to 40 years, women with a history of multigravida and prim gravida were included. Data was shown in the form of frequencies and percentages. A cross-sectional survey was used for research. A validated questionnaire (Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome questionnaire) was used as a tool for data collection.
Results: 29.11% of women were reported with carpal tunnel syndrome in their third trimester of pregnancy.
Conclusion: The severity of hand or wrist pain at night, frequency of pain in hand or wrist at night, numbness and tingling sensation in hand.
Key Words: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Median neuropathy, Third trimester, Entrapment, Boston carpal tunnel questionnaire
Citation of article: Pari S, Niaz M, Khan L, Aziz R, Aslam A. Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Third Trimester of Pregnancy. Med Forum 2021;32(11):76-79.