18.Ocular and Pulmonary Manifestations in Addicts at AAS Center Daska
Shahid Anwar Bhatti1, Muhammad Asif2, Shamshad Ali3, Tanveer Hussain4 and Azhar Masud Bhatti5
Objective: To find out serious communicable or non-communicable ocular and pulmonary manifestations in addicts to reduce the morbidity or mortality in addicts.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the AAS Center Daska, Sialkot for one month study from 21.10.2021 to 20.11.2021.
Materials and Methods: 60 samples were selected through non probability purposive sampling technique. History was taken. Ocular and general physical examination was performed. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS version 25.
Results: The results of this study indicate that maximum percentage of age was from 30 to 60 years of age 80 %. Then age group within 20 to 30 years 15% and least was below 20 years with only 5 %. The illicit drug maximally used was heroin with 43.3%. Then was ice with 20 %.
Conclusion: Main ocular health problem seen was constricted pupils. HIV AIDS with pulmonary complications was leading pulmonary health hazard.
Key Words: AAS Rehabilitation center, Ophthalmoplegia, HIV AIDS, COPD.
Citation of article: Bhatti SA, Asif M, Ali S, Hussain T, Bhatti AM. Ocular and Pulmonary Manifestations in Addicts at AAS Center Daska. Med Forum 2022;33(2):78-81.