18. Frequency of Perforated Appendicitis and its Causes in Patients Underwent Appendectomies at Tertiary Care Hospital
Agha Taj Mohammed, Rasool Bux Behan and Zameer Hussain Laghari
Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the frequency of perforated appendicitis and reasons of perforated appendicitis at tertiary care Hospital.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department Surgery, LUMHS from February 2014 to January 2015
Materials and Methods: Total 107 patients were admitted in the surgery ward, out of those 75 were underwent appendectomy. All the patients who underwent appendectomy were included in the study after taking informed consent while other patients and patients having co morbidity were excluded from the study. All the information regarding their presenting symptoms, cause of appendectomy etc was recorded on self-designed proforma. Data was entered on SPSS version 16.
Results: Mean age of the patients was 35+- 2.09. 21(28%) patients belong to age group of <30 years, 33(44%) belonged to age group of 30-40 years and 15(20%) were from age group of 41-50 years. Majority of the patients i.e 56(74.66%) were males while 19(25.33%) were females. In this study, 15(20%) patients had perforated appendicitis, 48(64%) had inflamed appendicitis while 10(13.33%) had gangrenous appendix and 2(2.66%) had normal appendix. In our study, the most common cause of perforated appendix was misdiagnosed by doctors as seen in 6(40%) patients followed by delay in reaching hospital seen in 4(26.66%) , while 3(20%) were reluctant for surgery. 45(60%) patients had presented with pain in right iliac fossa, 16(21.33%) had fever and 10(13.33%) had nausea.
Conclusion: We concluded that frequency of perforated appendicitis is 20% and its main associated factors are; misdiagnosis by general practitioners and delay in reaching the Hospitals where surgeons and surgical facilities are available.
Key Words: Appendectomy, perforated appendicitis, appendectomies
Citation of article: Mohammed AT, Behan RB, Laghari ZH. Frequency of Perforated Appendicitis and its Causes in Patients Underwent Appendectomies at Tertiary Care Hospital. Med Forum 2017;28(3):68-70.