18. Effect of Cause of Death on Postmortem Cerebrospinal Fluid Electrolytes (K+, Na+and Cl-) Concentration
Riasat Ali1, Nasreen Akhtar2, Mansoora Mirza1, Syed Mudassir Hussain1, Saman Ambreen3 and Syeda Maira Hussain1
Objective: To find out the effect of cause of death on postmortem Sodium, Potassium and Chloride levels in cerebrospinal fluid.
Study Design: Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Forensic Medicine Department, King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Lahore for a period of 6 months from December 2013 to June 2014.
Materials and Methods: Medicolegal autopsy cases were included in which the exact cause and time of death were known. A total number of consecutive 106 samples were collected. Unknown and putrefied dead bodies, Poisoning cases and Cases with head injuries were not included. Study was completed in 6 months.
Results: The K+, Na+and Cl- levels are significantly affected by certain causes of death.
Conclusion: Biochemistry of Cerebrospinal Fluid alone may not be very useful in postmortem interval estimation.
Key Words: Postmortem interval, Cerebrospinal fluid, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Cause of death
Citation of articles: Ali R, Akhtar N, Mirza M, Hussain SM, Ambreen S, Hussain SM. Effect of Cause of Death on Postmortem Cerebrospinal Fluid Electrolytes (K+, Na+and Cl-) Concentration. Med Forum 2019;