18. Association of Diabetes and Hypertension with Presenting Complaints Among Patients of Operative Dentistry
Rafia Tayab, Namal Pervez and Mariam Shafique
Objectives: This study was conducted to ascertain the role of diabetes and hypertension with presenting complaints among patients of operative dentistry as there is limited data available on this issue from Pakistan.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Operative Dentristry, Nishtar Institute of Dentistry, Multan from 01-08-2016 to 01-02-2017.
Materials and Methods: A total of 200 study cases presenting with different complaints were recruited in our study using non – probability convenient sampling technique. Data was entered analyzed by SPSS – 20.
Results: A total of 200 study cases were taken in this study, of which 89 (44.5%) were male patients while 111(55.5%) were female patients. Mean age of our study cases was 38.58 ± 10.92 years (with minimum age of our study cases was 20 years while maximum age was 73 years). Among these 200 study cases, 71 (35.5%) were from rural areas while 129 (64.5%) were from urban areas, 62 (31%) were poor and 133 (66.5%) were from middle income families and only 2.5 % were rich. Diabetes was noted in 48 (24%) and hypertension was present in 70 (35 %). Pain in upper and lower posterior was noted in 101 (50.5%), sensitivity and food lodgment in 36 (18 %), post filling complaints in 21 (10.5%), aesthetic problems in 13 (6.5%) , sensitivity in upper and lower anterior was noted in 8 (4%) and 21 (10.5%) presented with other miscellaneous complaints.
Conclusion: Very high frequencies of hypertension and diabetes were noted in our study while pain in upper and lower posterior was the major presenting complaints followed by sensitivity. These presenting complaints were significantly associated with urban residential status however not associated with diabetes and hypertension.
Key Words: Diabetes, hypertension, operative dentistry
Citation of article: Tayab R, Pervez N, Shafique M. Association of Diabetes and Hypertension with Presenting Complaints Among Patients of Operative Dentistry. Med Forum 2017;28(4):70-72.