18. Anti-Oxidant Status Following Treatment with Ciprofloxacin Toxic Effects on Chondrogenic Cells in Immature Rat Liters
Haji Muhammad Aslam Channa1, Bhojo Mal Tanwani2, Naheed Gohar3 and
Roohi Kanwal4
Objective: To investigate that in reverse, supplementation of zinc chloride if given simultaneously, can diminish the typical ciprofloxacin-induced chondrotoxicity in immature rat liters.
Study Design: A prospective experimental animal study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anatomy. Pir Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat District Khairpur Mir`S from Jan 2014 Dec 2014.
Materials and Methods: Ciprofloxacin & ZnCl2 was administrated to immature rat liters. Ciprofloxacin with a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight & ZnCl2 120 µg/100 gm body weight two times therapeutic dose for 20 days. (From day -1 to day 20 after birth.) Their mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size and their nucleus size per field was measured and were compared with similar value of control animals. The results were statistically analyzed to find out the significance.
Results: It was concluded after experimentation that ciprofloxacin administered in immature rat liters decreased mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size and their nucleus size per field, decreased by 213.7 ± 0.41, 11.12 ± 0.06 µm and 4.37 ± 0.12 µm respectively. That ciprofloxacin & ZnCl2 administration maintained the mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size and their nucleus size per field maintained by 274.4 ± 0.47, 10.47 ± 0.04 µm and 5.36 ± 0.03 µm respectively. That ZnCl2 administration increased the mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size and their nucleus size per field by 316.0 ± 0.40 , 10.82 ± 0.10 5 µm and 5.69 ± 0.04 µm respectively.
Conclusion: Application of ciprofloxacin and ZnCl2 post-natal in immature rat liters affected the mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size, and their nucleus size per field. ZnCl2 maintained mean chondrocyte count, chondrocyte size and their nucleus size per field leading to growth in immature rat liters.
Key Words: Ciprofloxacin, ZnCl2, chondrocyte count per field, chondrocyte size, chondrocyte nucleus, immature rat liters
Citation of articles: Channa HMA, Tanwani BM, Gohar N, Kanwal R. Anti-Oxidant Status Following Treatment with Ciprofloxacin Toxic Effects on Chondrogenic Cells in Immature Rat Liters. Med Forum 2018;29(8):77-81.