17.The Conjoint Effects of Cinnamon and Metformin on Anthropometric and Glycemic indices in Drug Naïve type II Diabetic Patients
Yameen Bocha1, Kauser Ismail1, Muhammad Owais Ismail1, Suresh Kumar2, Akhtar Ali1 and Faisal Raees2
Objective: To evaluate the combined effects of cinnamon and metformin on anthropometric and glycemic indices of type II diabetic patients.
Study Design: randomized control clinical trial study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Diabetes clinic at Lyari General Hospital, in Karachi, Pakistan from December 2021 to May 2022
Materials and Methods: In total, 40 newly diagnosed type II diabetic patients were enrolled using the sequential sample technique from December 2021 to May 2022 (12 weeks for each patient) in this study through randomization. The enrolled patients were equally divided into two groups. Group 1 was provided standard treatment metformin 500mg BID while group 2 received metformin 500 mg BID with cinnamon capsule 250 mg BID daily for a period of 12 weeks. Anthropometric measurements like weight were measured in kg and the height was measured in feet and inches. The BMI was calculated through height and weight. Fasting blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c were analyzed at the beginning and after 12 weeks of study. The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 20. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for Numerical variables. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for Categorical Variables. Independent t-test was used for intergroup analysis while pre and post analysis was measured by paired t-test. P-value less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Results: Both treatment groups were found to be equally effective in lowering the BMI while metformin + cinnamon group showed superiority in dropping down FBS and HbA1c levels over metformin alone group.
Conclusion: Cinnamon can be used as an effective adjunctive with standard anti-diabetic drugs like metformin to increase the treatment efficacy in diabetic patients.
Key Words: Cinnamon, Metformin, Glycemic indices, type II Diabetes, Clinical Trial
Citation of article: Bocha Y, Ismail K, Ismail MO, Kumar S, Ali A. Raees F. The Conjoint effects of Cinnamon and Metformin on Anthropometric and Glycemic indices in Drug Naïve type II Diabetic patients. Med Forum 2022;33(10):76-80.