17. Study of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Correalation with Blood Groups
1. Shamsul Arfin Qasmi 2. Aftab Ahmed Khan 3. Hasan Askari 4. Rabiyah Pirzada
1. Prof. of Pathology, Mohammad Bin Qasim M&DC, Karachi 2. Asstt. Prof. of Dental Materials Science,
Mohammad Bin Qasim M&DC, Karachi 3. Lecturer of Biochemistry, Mohammad Bin Qasim M&DC, Karachi
4. Sindh Medical College (DUHS). Karachi
Objectives: To ascertain any relation between T2 Diabetes Mellitus with Blood Groups of the patients coming in the OPD.
Study Design: Experimental / Analytical study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Med Path Laboratories and Diagnostic Center Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi & KESC Medical center Karachi from August 2012 to December 2012.
Materials and Methods: The present study deals with the distribution of the ABO blood types in patients with diabetes mellitus. 500 samples were collected from Med Path Laborites and Diagnostic Center KESC Medical Center.
Results: The study shows blood group B was prevalent at a high percentage among patients with DM type 2. Blood group O+ were significantly higher among the male diabetics and blood group B+ among female diabetics. People with middle-aged group were seen to be more affected with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Conclusion: It is highly recommended that this study may proceed further and the affiliation of T2DM can be screened at molecular level to find out the exact mechanism of action for susceptibility to these particular Blood Groups.
Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Correalation, Blood Groups