16. Prevalence of Common Bile Duct Stones on Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Gallstone Pancreatitis with Deranged Liver Function
Hamid Ali Kalwar1, Muhammad Furqan1,Riaz Hussain Awan2, Hafeezullah Shaikh1, Sabhita Shabir Shaikh1 and Ghulam Mujtaba1
Objective: To determine the frequency of CBD stone on ERCP in gall stone pancreatitis with deranged liver function. If decrease frequency of CBD stone found then recommendations can be made to reduce the unnecessary ERCP and it's procedure related complications like perforation and hemorrhage.
Study Design: Single center, non-probability consecutive, cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Gastroenterology, Liaquat National Hospital& Medical College, Karachi from May to November 2016.
Materials and Methods: Total 227 patients with deranged liver function test, serum amylase level of greater than 300 U/l, upper abdominal pain and gallstones on the trans-abdominal ultrasonography, were included. All patients were undergone ERCP. Descriptive statistics of the data was computed.
Results: There were 149 male and 78 female patients. Overall, raised total bilirubin was 62.6%, raised alkaline phosphate was 33.5%, and raised gamma GT was 40.5% patients. CBD stone in ERCP was found in 26.0% patients. Significant association of raised total bilirubin, raised alkaline phosphate, raised gamma GT, and serum amylase with CBD stone in ERCP was observed.
Conclusion: Patients with gallstone pancreatitis and deranged liver function test had increased risk of CBD stones. ERCP is the gold-standard for evaluation of morphological changes in the pancreas.
Key Words: Common Bile Duct Stones, ERCP, Gallstone Pancreatitis, Deranged Liver Function
Citation of article: Kalwar HA, Furqan M, Awan RH, Shaikh H, Shaikh SS, Mujtaba G. Prevalence of Common Bile Duct Stones on Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Gallstone Pancreatitis with Deranged Liver Function. Med Forum 2020;31(1):58-62.