17. Pattern and Frequency of Congenital Heart Diseases in Children with Down’s Syndrome
Farman Ullah Burki, Taj Muhammad and Fazal Rehman
Objective: Congenital heart disease is a significant morbidity in children with Down’s syndrome, the most prevalent chromosomal anomaly. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency and pattern of congenial great diseases in children with Down’s syndrome in District Head Quarter teaching Hospital D.I.Khan.
Study Design: Descriptive Hospital based study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, DHQ Teaching Hospital D.I.Khan from July 2016 to June 2017.
Materials and Methods: Fifty Eight(58) phenotypically Down’s syndrome children That Presented to pediatrics department age 2 days to 14 years were included in study. Children more than 14-years age, Children with Congenital heart Disease without Down’s Syndrome and normal children were excluded from study. Detailed data analysis including History, physical examination was done and there were subjected to 2 dimensional echocardiography.
Results:-Congenital heart diseases were found in 34 (58%) out f 58 patients. Among the affected patients, 21 (61.76%) were male, 13(38.2%) were female with male to female ratio 1.5: 1. Atrioventricular canal defect was the most common heart disease 12 (35.7). Followed by Fallots Tetralogy in 8 patient (23.52%),Ventricular septal defect 5 patient (14.7%) while combination of ventricular septal defect with pulmonary stenosis and patent Ductus Arteriosisin 5(14.71%) and least common disease was Isolated patent Ductus Arteriosis 4 patients (11.7%).
Conclusion: Congenital heart diseases are common in Down’s syndrome. The commonest one is Atrioventricular canal defect followed by Fallots Tetralogy. All children with Down’s syndrome should have a cardiac evaluation at birth.
Key Words: Down’s syndrome, Congenital Heart Disease, Atrio Ventricularcanal defect.
Citation of articles: Burki FU, Muhammad T, Rehman F. Pattern and Frequency of Congenital Heart Diseases in Children with Down’s Syndrome. Med Forum 2018;29(11):60-63.