17. Occurrence of Colic and Stomach Pain in Infants; An Observational Study
Nighat Seema1, Faiqa Hassan3, Riaz Ahmed Bhutto2, Ali Muntazir Naqvi4, Aymen Arif4 and Hira Jamil4
Objective: To investigate the occurrence of colic and stomach pain in infants; an observational study.
Study Design: Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the department of Pediatrics and Obstetrics, Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital of Karachi- Pakistan from February 2022 to April 2022.
Materials and Methods: The study was initiated after taking the Ethical Approval by the Ethical Review Committee (ERC) of the Organization while the participants were asked to duly sign the consent form for ensuring the transparency of the research throughout the process. A total population of 200 participants was evaluated through a well-structured questionnaire which is based on 10 situational items. The demographic data included Age, Educational Status, Nature of job, No. of children, and Financial Stability of the participating mothers of infants undergoing colic and stomach pain in infants. The dependent and independent factors to assess the extent of remedial measures to dismiss colic or stomach pain in infants were statistically analyzed by using analytical software (SPSS; version 20.0).
Results: The use of herbal medicine to relief the colic pain in infant was found statistically significant at P value <0.05. And the ratio is very much higher in mothers of socially deprived areas. Qualitatively most of the mothers need support in care as extract the main theme after the interview.
Conclusion: The herbal medicine is the major remedial action taken by most of the mothers who’s infants suffering from colic and stomach pain. It has been also found that the colic and stomach pain is more prevalent in underprivileged areas and most of the mother need support care.
Key Words: Colic, Infants, Prevalence, Pediatrics, Pain.
Citation of article: Seema N, Hassan F, Bhutto RA, Naqvi AM, Arif A, Jamil H. Occurrence of Colic and Stomach Pain in Infants; An Observational Study. Med Forum 2022;33(6):73-77.