16.Effect of Different Curing Modes on the Degree of Conversion and Vickers Microhardness of Commercial Composites
Varda Jalil1, Zartashia Arooj3, Shahlisa Hameedi2, Pulwasha Tanveer6, Fariha Fayyaz4 and Anila Errum5
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of different curing modes (soft start, ramped and delayed polymerization modes) on the degree of conversion and Vickers micro hardness of commercial composites.
Study Design: Experimental study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at COMSAT, Lahore in October 2015 till April 2016 for a period of six months.
Materials and Methods: Two commercially available hybrid and nano-hybrid composite i.e. Te-Econom plus (Ivoclar vivadent, Liechtenstein) and Coltene NT Premium (Whaladent, Altstätten, Switzerland) respectively were evaluated. All samples were prepared in brass molds by using three different modes of polymerization. Degree of conversion and Vickers micro hardness of the samples was evaluated by FTIR (Thermo Nicolet P6700 USA) technique and Vicker’s hardness indentor (MicroMet 6040, Buehler, Germany).
Results: Degree of conversion and Vickers microhardness of both dental composites showed the sequence, delayed curing > ramped curing > soft start curing. However, Coltene NT Premium showed better results comparatively.
Conclusion: Delayed mode of curing showed better degree of conversion and Vickers micro hardness comparatively. However, there was insignificant difference between the findings of both composites.
Key Words: Dental Composites, Degree of conversion, Vickers microhardness, Modes of curing
Citation of article: Jalil V, Arooj Z, Hameedi S, Tanveer P, Fayyaz F, Errum A. Effect of Different Curing Modes on the Degree of Conversion and Vickers Microhardness of Commercial Composites. Med Forum 2021;32(7):67-71.