16. To Assess Health-Related Quality of Life and Co-Morbidity Pattern in Hemodialysis Patients
Ghulam Abbas1, Sohail Safdar2, Ijaz ul Haque2 and Mahtab Ahmad3
Objective: To assess health-related quality of life and co-morbidity pattern in hemodialysis patients
Study Design: Observational / cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in the Department of Nephrology Department, Nishtar Medical Hospital, Multan from February 2015 to January 2016.
Materials and Methods: By a non probability purposive sampling procedure, 123 hemodialysis patients from our hemodialysis center in Nishtar Hospital Multan(Pakistan) were interviewed by resident doctor according to the SF-36 Scales. The means and standard deviations for each of eight scales were calculated, each domain ranges from 0-100, the highest scores indicating better quality of life. Comorbidities like DM, Hypertension ,ischemic heart disease lung disease etc were also recorded.
Results: The scores of the eight scales in the hemodialysis patients were 49.92 ±30.90, 38.82 ±41.39, 46.73 ±26.54, 40.52 ± 21.65, 43.98 ±21.82, 49.43 ±27.76, 49.85 ±40.59 and 59.93 ±17.36. Co-morbidities pattern were hypertension in 104(84.6%),DM 59(48%),ischemic heart disease 23(18.7%) and other co morbidities were less common. The scores of most of the scale in the patients with co m rbidities were lower as compared to patients without co morbidities. Data obtained was entered by a doctor in SPSS versi n 20 and was analyzed to compute descriptive statistics of the numerical variables while frequencies and their percentages for categorical variables of the study.
Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that quality of life was poor among patients on hemodialysis particularly those having co-morbidities. Hypertension and d abetes were major co-morbidities in our study. Quality of life score was lower in female patients than that of male patients. Proper management of co-morbidities can improve quality of life of these patients which will decrease d sease morbidity and mortality. This will also provide psychological and financial relief to the sufferi g fam l es a d also be cost effective for hospital authorities in terms of availability of space.
Key Words: Hemodialysis, Quality of life, SF-36 questionnaire,
Citation of article: Abbas G, Safdar S, Haque I, Ahmad M. To Assess Health-Related Quality of Life and Co-Morbidity Pattern in Hemodialysis Pa ien s .Med Forum 2016;27(5):56-60