16. Efficacy of Tramadol in Preventing the Post-Anesthetic Shivering After General Anesthesia for Cholecystectomy
Ali Ammar, Muhammad Ali Mahota, M. Asif and Aamir Furqan
Objective: To study the efficacy of tramadol in preventing the post-anesthetic shivering after general anesthesia for laparoscopic or open cholecystectomy.
Study Design: A randomized controlled trial study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Anaesthesia Nishtar Hospital Multan, From September 5, 2017 to December 15, 2017.
Materials and Methods: A sample of thirty six patients was taken using non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Age, weight, baseline heart rate and mean arterial pressure; temperature before and after surgery and their difference; and degree of shivering and sedation in recovery period were recorded. Chi-square test and one way ANOVA test were applied to compare percentages/nominal data and means, respectively using SPSS v.23 and p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Considering the treatment groups, the postoperative shivering was 88.9% and 11.1% in group-L1; and 77.7% and 22.2% in group-O1, of grade 0 and 1, respectively. Both the groups were comparable and shivering of grade 2, 3 or 4 was not seen in both these groups. Considering the control groups, postoperative shivering was 22.2% grade 0, 55.5% grade 1, 11.1% grade 2, and 11.1% grade-3 in Group-L2; and 33.3% grade-0, 44.45 grade 1, and 22.2% grade 2 in group-O2. The difference between treatment and control group was statistically significant (p=0.005).
Conclusion: Our study concludes that tramadol, when given in adequate doses, is effective in preventing postoperative shivering after laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy.
Key Words: Post-anesthetic shivering, Core temperature, Tramadol, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Open cholecystectomy
Citation of articles: Ammar A, Mahota MA, Asif M, Furqan A. Efficacy of Tramadol in Preventing the PostAnesthetic Shivering After General Anesthesia for Cholecystectomy. Med Forum 2018;29(3):64-68.