15.Evaluation and Comparison of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Esthetic Restorative Materials
Zartashia Arooj1, Varda Jalil4, Shahlisa Hameedi5, Anila Errum2, Marryam Riaz3 and Aneela Amjad6
Objective: This study was performed to compare the co-efficient of thermal expansion of three esthetic restorative materials.
Study Design: Experimental Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the PCSIR, Lahore from April 2015 to September 2015 for a period of six months.
Materials and Methods: A thermodilatometer was used to measure CTE at temperature range 25-70°C under both dry and wet conditions. 40 study blocks of specified dimensions of each restorative material i.e. a flowable composite, a resin modified glass ionomer cement and a compomer and were randomly divided into two groups of twenty tested in dry and wet atmospheric conditions respectively.
Results: Results obtained were that under dry and wet conditions, at temperature range 25-50°C the mean CTE value of all the three restorative material differed significantly. Resin modified glass ionomer was observed to have different pattern from the group tested under dry conditions it did not undergo contraction it showed expansion and its values were closest to tooth structure as compared to other two materials.
Conclusion: Flowable composite and Compomer both showed expansion as similar in dry and wet.
Key Words: Thermal Expansion, Restorative Materials, Tooth Tissue.
Citation of article: Arooj Z, Jalil V, Hameedi S, Errum A, Riaz M, Amjad A. Evaluation and Comparison of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Esthetic Restorative Materials. Med Forum 2021;32(7):62-66.