15.Efficacy of Adenoidectomy in Improving Hearing in Patients with Persistent Secretory Otitis Media
Sara Samad Qureshi1, Muhammad Hassan Nisar2, Salman Ali3, Sanaullah Bhatti1, Muhammad Asif Ashraf1 and Shahlla Majeed3
Objective: To determine the efficacy of adenoidectomy in modifying the hearing levels from severe to moderate and moderate to mild in patients of adenoid hypertrophy and persistent Otitis Media with Effusion presenting in Multan at Nishtar Hospital.
Study Design: Case control study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the ENT department of Nishtar hospital, Multan from 9th August 2019 to 8th February 2020.
Materials and Methods: The total number of participants included in the study is 116 patients who possess symptoms of OME. The participant selected based on the convenience of the researcher and lie between the age group of 3 to 12 years including both genders. Patients who have septal defects, anatomic abnormalities, and tympanic membrane perforation are not included in the study and those who were selected have were informed through consent forms signed by their parents or guardian. By an experienced surgeon at the ENT department the selected children under general anesthesia were given an adenoidectomy procedure at Nishtar Hospital, Multan. After about 3 months period a follow up of the selected children was done of surgery for hearing levels and improvement in hearing. SPSS version 23 was used for data entry and analysis. P value ≥0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: The average age of OME children involved in this study was 6.98 ± 2.06 years with a gender-based division of 66 (56.90%) male patients and 50 (43.10%) female patients. Out of 116 children, 84 (72.41%) were between 3 to 8 years of age which forms the majority. The efficacy of adenoidectomy in improving the hearing levels from severe to moderate and from moderate to mild in 116 children suffering from persistent secretory otitis media and adenoid hypertrophy is found in 73 patients which form 62.93% of the total participant while 43 % have very less no effect through the surgical procedure of adenoidectomy.
Conclusion: In this study, the effectiveness of adenoidectomy in improving hearing loss in children with OME and hypertrophy of the adenoid gland is tested which was found highly efficacious. Consequently, the technique is highly suggested and prescribed to be done on regular basis in such patients to improve the hearing levels.
Key Words: OME (Otitis Media with Effusion), Hearing Loss, Adenoid Hypertrophy and Adenoidectomy
Citation of article: Qureshi SS, Nisar MH, Ali S, Bhatti S, Ashraf MA, Majeed S. Efficacy of Adenoidectomy in Improving Hearing in Patients with Persistent Secretory Otitis Media. Med Forum 2022;33(9):62-66.