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  3. 15. Efficacy of Cranberry Extract Bacillus Coagulans & Turmeric Extract in Patients With Bacterial Vaginosis
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15. Efficacy of Cranberry Extract Bacillus Coagulans & Turmeric Extract in Patients With Bacterial Vaginosis

Syeda Batool Mazhar,1 Tazeen Fatima Munim,2 Haleema Yasmin3, Jehan Ara4, Shamsa Humayun,5  Rakhshan Najmi,6 Yasmin Noman,7 Muhammad Ikram,8  Khadija Khatoon,9

Neeta Maheshwary10


Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of conventional therapies alone (antibiotic, metronidazole, antibiotic metronidazole) versus conventional therapies with combination therapy cranberry extract bacillus coagulans & turmeric extract, in patients with bacterial vaginosis.

Study Design: Observational / descriptive study. 

Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at nine study sites from three major cities (Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad) in Pakistan from January to September 2016.

Materials and Methods: After ethics committee approval at physician discretion 150 Patients meeting the eligibility criteria received standardized conventional therapies alone (Antibiotic /Metronidazole/Antibiotic Metronidazole) & 150 patients received conventional therapies with Combination therapy Cranberry extract bacillus coagulans & turmeric extract. The primary outcome measures were frequency of recurrence of vaginal infections and improvement of symptoms.

Results: For this study, 300 healthy, newly diagnosed & treatment experienced, non-pregnant women were enrolled to participate with the symptoms and signs of BV from 09 different centers from Pakistan. Amsel's criteria were significantly decreased after treatment in both groups at week 2 (p=0.003). The microbiological cure rate of bacterial vaginosis at week two was significantly (p=<0.001) higher in experimental group (76.9%) as compared to conventional group (58.5%). There were significant (p<0.001) differences between two groups in terms of recurrence rate of bacterial vaginosis at week 12.

Conclusion: This study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of cranberry extract bacillus coagulans & turmeric extract in preventing BV recurrence. Therefore this product can be used for the improvement of clinical and microbiological parameters in patients with BV.

Key Words: Bacterial vaginosis (BV), non-antibiotic treatment, antibiotics, emerging therapies, bacillus coagulans

Citation of article: Mazhar SB, Munim TF, Yasmin H, Ara J, Humayun S, Najmi R, Noman Y, Ikram M,  Khatoon K, Maheshwary N. Efficacy of Cranberry Extract Bacillus Coagulans & Turmeric Extract In Patients With Bacterial Vaginosis. Med Forum 2017;28(5):59-63.