15. Close Reduction and Proximal Humerus Fractures
Muhammad Zahid Siddiq, Muhammad Nauman Akhter and Bilal Hussain
Objective: To evaluate the treatment results of displaced fractures of Proximal Humerus in our set up.
Study Design: Descriptive / prospective / case series study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Orthopedic, Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Hospital, Gujrat from January 2012 to December 2016.
Materials and Methods: Total 53 patients of displaced fractures of proximal humerus who merits the inclusion criteria for this study was operated by close reduction and percutanious threaded pin fixation technique. Average age was 40 years range from 16 to 65 year. All the case was followed weekly for six week and after six week pins were removed and a gradual sequence of shoulder rehabilitation began. Then follow up at outpatient clinic every month AP, axial or tans scapular lateral X-ray were obtained at each visit to access alignment, union and signs of a vascular necrosis. We used the UCLA shoulder score for the clinical evaluation). Radiological and clinical out-come at 6 month follow-up or later taken as final result for study.
Results: Average fracture healing time was 12 week. There were only two non unions. At six month follow or later (average 7.5 month) functional outcome of patient was recorded according to UCLA score system which were Excellent 10 (29%), good 28 (40%) fair 9 (20%) poor 5 (11%). There was no pain or slight pain on particular activities in 69% patients. Two patients have severe pain which was not relieved by strong medication. There was joint stiffness in 9 maximum forward flexion 120° to 150° which was achieved. Superficial skin tract infection was in 10 cases. No deep infection. No avascular necrosis of humeral head. Twenty patients (76%) were satisfied with the result of the treatment and three patients (24%) were not satisfied.
Conclusion: Displaced proximal humeral fractures could be treated by closed and percutaneous threaded pin fixation, yielding good outcome. No major complications such as avascular necrosis, nonunion, deep infection, or neurovascular deficit were associated with this method of treatment.
Key Words: Displaced, Humeral, Percutaneous, Proximal, Threaded Pin.
Citation of articles: Siddiq MZ, Akhter MN, Hussain B. Close Reduction and Percutaneous Threaded Pin Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures. Med Forum 2017;28(12):60-63.