15. Caesarean Sections at Mardan Medical Complex: a One Year Review
Samia Tabassum, Sadia Ali and Rukhsana Karim
Objective: To review the caesarean sections performed at Gynae A unit at Mardan Medical Complex, KPK,
Pakistan, over a period of one year.
Study Design: Retrospective study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Mardan Medical Complex (MMC) during the study period from 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014.
Materials and Methods: The records of 630 patients who underwent caesarean section were analysed.
Results: During the study period, there were 5409 deliveries and 630 caesarean section sections, thus giving a caesarean section rate (CSR) of 11.6%. 84.5% were emergency caesarean sections, and 15.4% were elective caesarean sections. The rate of primary caesarean sections was 79.5% and repeat caesarean sections was 20.4%. The most common indication was fetal distress and repeat caesarean section.
Conclusion: A trial of vaginal birth after caesarean section in appropriate cases and use of cardiotocography for continuous fetal heart monitoring in labour, with confirmation of suspected fetal distress through fetal blood acid-base studies are recommended. A prospective study may reveal some of the other reasons for the increase CSR. Key Words: primary caesarean section, repeat caesarean section, fetal distress
Citation of articles: Tabassum S, Ali S, Karim R. Caesarean Sections at Mardan Medical Complex: a One Year Review. Med Forum 2017;28(10):60-63