14.Relationship Between Previous Cesarean Section Scar, Subsequent Implantation of Gestational Sac and Abnormal Invasive Placenta
Bushra Zulfiqar1, Shagufta Perveen1, Kausar Parveen1, Eraj Abbas2 and Najma Parveen1
Objective: To analysis the relationship between previous caesarean scar and subsequent implantation site of gestational sac and abnormal invasive placenta.
Study Design: Prospective Cohort Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital, Isra University and Fatima Bai Hospital from November, 2019 to November, 2020.
Materials and Methods: 79 Pregnant women were enrolled in the study and examined the transvaginal ultrasound and abdominal Doppler ultrasound in 1st trimester for the implantation of gestation sac, placental localization, placental myometrial interface and inter-placental lakes at the first, second and third trimmers by ultrasound.
Results: Among 79 patients the mean age was 26.25± and the odd ratio was 0.0128 at P < 0.0001. R value in Regression model was to be found 0.698.
Conclusion: Previous caesarean scars showed weak positive association with placenta accrete diagnose 1st trimester. Higher the number of CS scar more susceptible to the placenta accrete.
Key Words: Placenta accrete, caesarian scar
Citation of article: Zulfiqar B, Perveen S, Parveen K, Abbas E, Parveen N. Relationship Between Previous Cesarean Section Scar, Subsequent Implantation of Gestational Sac and Abnormal Invasive Placenta Med Forum 2021;32(7):58-61.