14.IMNCI Based Morbidity Patterns of Sick Children at Children Hospital CMC Hospital Larkana
Rahmattuh Tunio1, Dilijan Baloch1, Vijia Kumar Gemnani3, Bakhtawar Baloch2,
Raheel Ahmed Shaikh1 and Saifullah Jamro1
Objective: To determine the morbidity patterns of the sick children 2 months- 59 months according to Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMNCI) criteria.
Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional Study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Children Hospital, CMCH, Larkana from May 2021 to March 2023.
Materials and Methods: Total number of 113 sick children were included in the study according to the inclusion criteria. Final diagnosis was made based on IMNCI guidelines using the history, clinical examination, necessary laboratory investigations like, random blood sugar test, malarial parasite test, examination on glass slide, serum urea creatinine test, serum calcium test, chest x-ray, cerebrospinal fluid detailed reports. The data was obtained using study specific questionnaire. Later the data was entered into SPSS version 23 for analysis.
Results: The average age of the patients was 23.78±16.72 months. There were 64.6% males and 35.4% females. Severe pneumonia was observed in 26.5% children followed by febrile fit 23.9%, pyogenic meningitis 12.4%, epilepsy 6.2%, cerebral palsy 5.3%, encephalitis 5.3%, hypokalemia 5.3%, severe malaria 4.4%, tuberculosis meningitis 3.5% and croup and asthma were also observed.
Conclusion: The IMNCI guidelines offer advantages in accurate childhood illness identification, combined treatment, mother-caregiver counseling, and improved care quality for sick children at the referral level. In our findings, pneumonia and febrile fit were observed to the most common morbidity patterns with 26.5% and 23.9% respectively.
Key Words: Morbidity Patterns, Pneumonia, Diarrhea, Malaria, Measles, Malnutrition.
Citation of article: Tunio R, Baloch D, Gemnani VK, Baloch B, Shaikh RA, Jamro S. IMNCI Based Morbidity Patterns of Sick Children at Children Hospital CMC Hospital Larkana. Med Forum 2023;34(6):59-63.