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14. Histopathological Pattern of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease in Pakistani Patients
Saleha Masood1, Bhawani Shanker2 and Rafia Siddique3
Objective: To evaluate histopathological pattern of gestational trophoblastic diseases in the department of pathology, J.M.D.C from 2014 -2019.
Study Design: retrospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Karachi. during the period from Jan 2014 to Dec 2019. Materials and Methods: This study is based on the analysis of placental biopsies. All clinically diagnosed cases suspected as gestational trophoblastic disease on the basis of clinical presentation and serum/urine HCG levels.
Results: A total of 830 placental biopsies received were included in this study. Out of the above mentioned 830 biopsies,151 were hydropic abortion and gestational trophoblastic disease and 679 were of simple abortion. Amongst 151 cases, 67 were complete hydatidiform mole, 52 were partial hydatidiform mole, 2 were choriocarcinomas and 30 were hydropic abortion.
Conclusion: From this study, it is evident that benign lesions are more common with 42.9% of the cases of partial hydatidiform mole and 55.3% of the cases of complete hydatidiform mole 86.6%, while malignant were found to be 1.65%. Trophoblastic tumour screening and treatment units should be available in all hospitals and patients with recurrent molar pregnancies should be registered. Post molar follow-up should be done including determination of B HCG levels every 1-2 wks after evacuation until HCG level is normal.
Key Words: Hydropic abortion, gestational trophoblastic disease.
Citation of article: Masood S, Shanker B, Siddique R. Histopathological Pattern of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease in Pakistani Patients. Med Forum 2020;31(9):59-62.