14. Evaluation of Total Leucocyte and Lymphocyte Count and its Correlation with Severity of Covid Infection
Shahzeb1, Muhammad Abbas1, Sajjad Ali Shah2, Zarka Sarwar3, Jamal Nasar1 and Jehandad Khan1
Objective: This was a new disease occurring in pandemic and nothing was known about it in detail, so main aim of the study was the curiosity about SARS – CoV -2.
Study Design: Descriptive /cross sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Mardan Medical Complex (M.M.C) from 20 March 2020 to 10 July 2020.
Materials and Methods: Adult male and female patients presenting with short history of fever along with respiratory symptoms and chest ray finding of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates were admitted. Then those whose PCR for corona virus was positive were included in the study.
Results: Majority of patients presented with lymphocytopenias and raised TLC in severe and critical cases. Critically ill patients who survived have average TLC low as compared to those who succumb to infection. Similar was the finding with lymphocytes count as well. While mild cases presented with almost normal TLC but lymphocytes count was slightly reduced.
Conclusion: It was concluded the disease was more aggressive in those patients having a high TLC and low lymphocytes count, high TLC may be due to superadded infections or highly virulent virus as those with mild disease presented with almost normal TLC.
Key Words: Hematological Abnormalities, Corona Virus, SARS – CoV -2
Citation of article: Shahzeb, Abbas M, Shah SA, Sarwar Z, Nasar J, Khan J. Evaluation of Total
Leucocyte and Lymphocyte Count and its Correlation with Severity of Covid Infection. Med Forum 2021;32(6):55-57.