13. Fast Tract Extubation in Paediatric Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) Experience Karachi
Amin Muhammad Khuwaja1, Aftab Ahmed Khatri1 and Iqbal Hussain2
Objective: There are limited cardiac centers dealing with paediatric cardiac surgery with enormous patient burden resulting long waiting lists due to manpower as well logistic issue . Therefore the concept of fast tracking is very attractive to overcome logistic issue. We describe our experience of postoperative fast-track extubation of children undergoing cardiac surgery.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Karachi from July 2015 to December 2015.
Materials and Methods: Total 244 pediatric patients of less than 16 years of age were underwent definitive as well as palliative surgical intervention for congenital heart defects at National institute of cardiovascular diseases
Karachi. Both male and female patients aged less than 15 years |
undergoing elective |
surgical |
procedures for |
Congenital heart defects or acquired heart effects on cardiopulmonary by |
ass (CPB) or off pump were included in |
the study. Patients with missing data like extubation time and whose were |
lanned for overnight ventilation due to |
preoperative diagnosis or delayed due to surgical causes like mediastinal bleed were excluded from study |
Results: Among these patients fast tract extubation was observed |
in170(70%) and |
74(30%) |
patients were |
extubated beyond 6 hours . While patient operated with the support of heart lung machine had higher number of delayed extubation rate that is 58(78.%) than off pump patients 16 (22%) p<.05 . Extubation failure was observed in 9 patients with 5 patient who were extubated on table (fast tra t group ) and four patients extubated beyond six hours .(delayed extubation group).
Conclusion: Fast tract extubation is successful in major ty of patients operated for congenital heart defects. Early extubation is safe and is associated with reduction in le gth of ICU stay and better PCICU bed management without any effects on mortality or morbidity of patients after paeditaric cardiac surgery. It requires only desire for proactive management and team work without any specific p t c l or algorithm to achieve early extubation.
Key Words: Paediatric Cardiac Surge y , Fast T act Extubation , Congenital Heart Defects , Paediatrics , Fast Tract Cardiac Surgery.
Citation of article: Khuwaja AM, Kha ri AA, Hussain I. Fast Tract Extubation in Paediatric Cardiac Surgery:National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) Experience Karachi. Med Forum 2016;27(12):51-55.