13. Effectiveness of Gastrografin in Resolving Small Bowel Obstruction
Zulfiqar Ali1, Muhammad Aqil Razzaq2, Azhar Bashir3 and Haroon Javaid Majid1
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of Gastrografin in resolving intestinal obstruction.
Study Design: Observational / descriptive study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Department of Surgery, Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore from 02-10-2013 to 02-04-2014.
Materials and Methods: One hundred thirty five patients who having small bowel obstruction were admitted through out-patient, accident & emergency departments. Every participant was explained about both procedures and their consequences.
Results: Average age was 44±70 years. 77 (57%) were males and 58 (43%) were females with a male to female ratio was 1.32:1. In 58 (43%) male patients the obstruction was resolved, but in 19 (14%) male patients obstruction was not resolved. In 41 (30%) female patients the obstruction was resolved and in 17 (12%) female patients the obstruction could not be resolved. Overall, in 99 (73%) patients, the obstruction was resolved but in 36 (27%) of patients the obstruction was not resolved.
Conclusion: Gastrografin is a secure and reduces the need for surgery when conservative treatment fails. It remains a leading cause of hospital admission in surgical departments.
Key Words: Gastrografin, Small bowel obstruction, Intestinal obstructi n.
Citation of article: Ali Z, Razzaq MA, Bashir A, Majid HJ. Effectiveness f Gastrografin in Resolving Small Bowel Obstruction. Med Forum 2016;27(7):48-51.