13. Assessment of Diabetes Mellitus effect on Hearing, Mirpur AJK
Faisal Bashir1, Arshid Mahmood3, Tahmeena Sarfraz4 and Asnad2
Objective: The objective of this study to evaluate Diabetes Mellitus effects on Hearing, Mirpur AJK. Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the department ENT Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College Mirpur AJK and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mohi-ud-Din Medical College, Mirpur, AJK from January 2018 to August 2019.
Materials and Methods: Total 220 people (110 cases and 110 controls) were selected and analyzed in this study. All the subjects were divided into two groups: Group A (all patients with Diabetes) and Group B (persons without diabetes). A detailed history was taken about hearing loss, onset, duration of diabetes and associated symptoms Blood samples were collected for both groups centrifuged for thirty minutes and isolate serum which was biochemically analyzed. Blood glucose, lipid profile, urea and uric acid were estimated for both groups. Microlab 300 was used for estimation of biomolecules and Merk company kits were used. SPSS for Windows version 20 was employed for all statistical analyses.
Results: Cases type 2 Diabetic Mellitus 82.7% was found in Group A and remaining cases of group A was type 1 DM. The result showed that Sensori-neural hearing was significantly higher in group A as compare to Group B. In group A, 47.6 % was found Sensori-neural hearing and Group B 5.45%. Two sided hearing problem with SNHL (79.09%) was in found majority of the subjects. The result showed that hearing difficulty was found 72.5% two sided in diabetic patients. In pregnant women 23 % found Sensori- neural hearing with diabetic Mellitus.
Conclusion: Sensorineural hearing loss is high rate in diabetic mellitus patients as compare to non-diabetic control. There is more probability in the age of forty-five to sixty-two for men and women and the duration of diabetes Mellitus is more, there will more effects of hearing loss so diabetes Mellitus is one of risk factor.
Key Words: Sensorineural hearing loss, Diabetic mellitus, Pregnancy
Citation of article: Bashir F, Mahmood A, Sarfraz T, Qadir F, Asnad. Assessment of Diabetes Mellitus effect on Hearing, Mirpur AJK. Med Forum 2021;32(2):55-58.