12. Effect of Silymarin Therapy on Liver Aminotransferase in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
1. Iqbal Ahmed Memon 2. Muhammad Akbar 3. Ali Nawaz Bhurgri
1. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro 2. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, Isra University,
Hyderabad 3. Asstt. Prof. of Pharmacology, Indus Medical College, Tando Muhammad Khan
Objective: The present study evaluated the effects of silymarin on blood glucose, blood lipids and liver aminotransferase (AST & ALT) in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Study Design: Randomized Placebo Controlled (double blind) Trial
Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Consultant Clinic Cant area Hyderabad and Department of Medicine, Isra University Hospital Hyderabad from April 2012 to August 2013.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 64 subjects (33 cases and 31 controls) was selected for evaluating effects of silymarin. Subject selection observed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects with aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) >1.2 of normal were included. NAFLD diagnosis was confirmed by ultra-sonography. NAFLD cases were given silymarin (140 mg x2 tablets) daily for duration of 3 months. Controls received placebo. AST & ALT were checked after three months. Data variables were analyzed by SPSS version 21.0.
Results: Mean ± SD of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) before intervention were found as 73.2±9.7 vs. 69.3±17.6 IUL-1 (p<0.021) and 92.1±19.4 vs.83±15.6 IUL-1 in cases and controls (p < 0.0001) respectively. After three months the AST and ALT were found reduced compared to baseline. AST and ALT were found as 39.3±7.5 IUL-1 and ALT to 39.3±10.9 IUL-1 35.9±11.7 IUL-1 and 83±15.6 IUL-1 in cases and controls respectively. Blood lipids and blood glucose also showed statistically significant differences (p=0.0001).
Conclusion: Silymarin improves blood glucose, blood lipids and liver amino transferase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Key Words: Silymarin, NAFLD, Liver, Blood glucose, Blood lipids
Citation of article: Memon IA, Akbar M, Bhurgri AN. Effect of Silymarin Therapy on Liver Aminotransferase in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Med Forum 2015; 26(12):46-49.