12. C-Reactive Protein Elevation in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis
Rasool Bux Behan1, Agha Taj Mohammed1, Faiza Hameed1 and Rafiqoue Hingoro2
Objective: To find out the frequency of CRP elevation in patients having severe acute pancreatitis at tertiary care Hospital.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Surgery Department of LUMHS from September 2015 to March 2016.
Materials and Methods: Total 60 selected for the study and informed consents were taken. All the patients of acute pancreatitis were selected for study while patients with other severe co-morbidities and other infections were not selected. C-reactive was noted in all the cases by blood test from diagnostic laboratory. Patients who had other co morbidities were excluded from the study. All the information was gathered on self-designed proforma regarding age, gender, clinical features, c reactive protein etc.
Results: Total 61 patients were included in the study. Mean age was 32+2.04. 13(20.1%) patients belonged to age group of <30 years while 18(30%) patients were from 30-40 years of age group. 45(75%) patients were females while 15(25%) were males. According to the cause of acute pancreatitis cholilithiasis was the most common in 33.34% of the cases, alcohol consumption was in 16.6%. 45(75%) patients with cholecystitis had raised c reactive protein while 15(25%) had normal c reactive protein. CRP is the good noninvasive diagnostic tool for acute pancreatitis.
Conclusion: We concluded that CRP elevations is the good and noninvasive diagnostic tool for pancreas inflammation with good efficacy
Key Words: C-Reactive Protein, Pancreatitis.
Citation of article: Behan RB, Mohammed AT, Hameed F. Hingoro R. C-Reactive Protein Elevation in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis. Med Forum 2017;28(3):44-46.