11. To Assess the Correlation of Imaging Studies X-ray and CT-Scan of Para Nasal Sinuses in Clinically Selected Sinusitis Patients from Outpatient Department of ENT at Civil Hospital Karachi
1. Nazar Afridi 2. Abrar Hussain Shah 3. Adnan Ejaz
1. Asstt. Prof. of ENT, Islam Medical College Sialkot 2. Asstt. Prof. of ENT, Azra Naheed Medical College, Lahore
3. Asstt. Prof. of ENT, Azra Naheed Medical College, Lahore
Objective: Objective of this study is to assess the correlation of imaging studies X-ray and CT-Scan of Para nasal sinuses in clinically selected sinusitis patients from outpatient department of ENT at Civil Hospital Karachi. Study Design: Observational study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the department of ENT at Civil Hospital Karachi from 01 Aug 2009 to 31 July 2010.
Materials and Methods: After taking a inform consent sinusitis patients initially thoroughly clinically examined in ENT out patients department than referred to radiology department for imaging evaluation at Civil Hospital Karachi. This study comprises of 95 patients of both sexes who presented with acute and chr nic sinusitis.
Results: In our study we assessed 95 patients of both sex with acute and chr nic sinusitis, selected on clinical basis and finally correlated by radiologically. Out of 95 patients 43 patients who clinically suspected of having acute sinusitis sent to radiology department to correlate our finding both by X-ray PNS and CT-Scan. X-ray PNS showed imaging findings of acute sinusitis in 26(60%) patients wh le 17 patients were having normal X-ray PNS. When CT-Scan was performed to correlate the findings, it showed 30(69%) patients were having acute sinusitis while 13 patients had no imaging findings of acute sinusitis. When l n ally suspected of chronic sinusitis of 52 patients were radiologically investigated, out of those, in whom X-ray PNS shows chronic sinusitis in 26(54%) patients and 22 patients are having normal X- ray PNS. But when CT-Scan performed in these patients it depicted 33(68%) patients were having chronic sinusitis and 15 patients were having normal imaging. Out of these 52 patients, 4 patients refused for any radiological inves iga i n.
Conclusion: Previously X-ray of nose and Pa a nasal sinuses was considered mainstay to rule out of various pathologies but now have been repla ed by high-resolution CT scan and MRI. Plain radiographs of various angles can be used as a useful tool for diagnosis of acute and chronic sinusitis patients which are difficult to rule out clinically where the CT- scan fa ility is not available whereas CT-Scan is the only modality of choice and considered as a “gold standard” imaging of nose and Para nasal sinuses in acute and chronic sinusitis and guides the surgeon with important information of the osteomeatal complex, sphenoid, ethmoid sinuses status and other normal anatomical landmark or any variations, preoperatively.
Key Words: CT- scan of nose and PNS, X-rays PNS, Para nasal sinuses, Sinusitis
Citation of article: Shah AH, Afridi N, Ejaz A. To Assess the Correlation of Imaging Studies X-ray and CT-Scan of Para Nasal Sinuses in Clinically Selected Sinusitis Patients from Outpatient Department of ENT at Civil Hospital Karachi. Med Forum 2016;27(1):41-45.