11. Prevalence of Complications of Tuberculous Meningitis in Patients Presenting to Paediatric Department
Muhammad Qasim Khan1, Kiramat Ullah Wazir1, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Fazil1
Objective: To determine the prevalence of complications in patients presenting with tuberculous meningitis.
Study Design: Descriptive / case series study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Pediatrics Unit, Mardan Medical Complex, Mardan from 22 February 2015 to 21 February 2017.
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 diagnosed cases of tuberculous meningitis were enrolled. Common presenting clinical features and Complications of TBM were recorded and analyzed.
Results: Out of 50 patients 32 (64 %) were male and 18 (36%) were females. Mean age was 07.35+3.0208 S.D years. Presenting features included fever, vomiting, meningism, neurological deficits, altered level of consciousness and failure to thrive. Only 33 (66%) had available records on immunization and they all had received BCG vaccination. Common complications of TBM included Neurological sequelae 26 (52%), Hyponatraemia 25 (50%), Hydrocephalus 24 (48%) Epileptic seizure 24 (48%) Stroke 16 (32%) Cranial nerve palsies 13 (26%), Diabetes insipidus 04 (08%) Tuberculoma 03 (06%) Myeloradiculopathy 02 (04%), Hypothalamic syndrome 01 (02%) and Mortality 06 (12%),
Conclusion: Tubercular meningitis is associated with significant neurological and systemic complications. Early diagnosis, timely recognition of complications and institution of antituberculous treatment strategies may reduce mortality and morbidity
Key Words: Tuberculosis meningitis, complications. Central nervous system tuberculosis,
Citation of articles: Khan MQ Wazir KU, Ali S, Fazil M. Prevalence of Complications of Tuberculous Meningitis in Patients Presenting to Paediatric Department. Med Forum 2018;29(9):44-48.