11. Outcome of Surgical and Medical Management of Anal Fissure
1. Majeed Ullah Buzdar 2. Irfan Qasirani
1. Asstt. Prof, of Surgery, 2. PGR Department of Surgery Ghazi Khan Medical College, D.G.Khan
Objective: To study the outcome of Surgical and Medical treatment of Anal Fissure.
Study Design: Prospective study
Place and Duration of Study: This was study carried out in Surgical Department of Ghazi Khan Medical College, Dera Ghazi Khan, from January 2014 to December 2014.
Materials and Methods: A total of 75 patients form Surgical OPD were included in the study. Patients having anal fissure were diagnosed clinically and were selected according to inclusion criteria.
Results: Out of 75 patients, 49 (65%) were male and 26 (35%) were female patients. The patients were from the ages of 23 to 54. Painful defecation was present in all the patients (100%), constipation in 67 (90%) patients, whereas bleeding per rectum in 52(70%). Sentinel pile was seen in 50 (67%) patients and associated superficial fistula only in 1 patient.
Conclusion: it is concluded that lateral internal sphincterotomy is the most effective way of treatment of chronic anal fissure, whereas chemical sphincterotomy with topical glyceryl trinitrate is relatively less effective. Key Words: Dentate line, lateral sphincterotomy, defecation
Citation of article: Buzdar MU, Qasirani I. Outcome of Surgical and Medical Management of Anal Fissure.
Med Forum 2015;26(9):42-44.