11. Incidence of Post TB Bronchiectasis
Jeando Khan Daidano, Mukhtar Ahmed Abro, Noor Nabi Siyal and Rafique Ahmed Memon
Objective: To determine the frequency of post TB bronchiectasis in the pulmonary TB treated patients at PMCH Nawabshah.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Medicine Department, PMCH Nawabshah from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016.
Materials and Methods: 100 patients were selected for this study. 100 patients were selected permission was taken from the patients; a written questionnaire was given to all patients in Urdu and Sindhi languages. Study was done according to the Questionnaire.
Results: Out of 100 patients 65 were male and 35 were females. All patients had completed anti tuberculosis therapy. Clinically wheezing and crackles were audible. Sputum was negative for AFB. -X-ray chest of pts with Bronchiectasis was clearly visible, for confirmation of Bronchiectasis CT scan chest was done.
Bronchoscopy was advised 6 patients who were resistant to antibiotic treatment.
Conclusion: Post TB Bronchiectasis is treated by antibiotics as early as possible and daily life of patient can be improved and further complications can be prevented.
Key Words: TB, Bronchiectasis, Acid fast bacilli, ATT, X-ray chest, CT Scan
Citation of article: Daidano JK. Abro MA, Siyal NN, Memon RA. Incidence of Post TB Bronchiectasis. Med
Forum 2017;28(1):43-47.