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  3. 11. Frequency of Hemorrhagic Stroke Among Hypertensive Patients
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11. Frequency of Hemorrhagic Stroke Among Hypertensive Patients

Momin Khan, Abdullah Jabbar, Bacha Amin Khan, Abdul Ahad and Ziaullah




Objective: To determine the frequency of hemorrhagic stroke among hypertensive patients.

Study Design: Descriptive / cross-sectional study.


Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Saidu Teaching Hospital Swat from 01-06-2016 to 25-06-2016.


Materials and Methods: 150 patients were observed. All patients were carefully scrutinized with detailed history and clinical examination. All the patients were subjected to Computed Tomography immediately after admission to detect cerebral hemorrhage. All the CT scans was reported by an expert radiologist having minimum of 5 years of experience. All the above mentioned information including name, age, gender and other information was recorded in a pre designed proforma. Exclusion criteria had strictly followed to control confounders and bias in the study results. For quantitative variables like age & duration of HTN, mean and standard deviation was calculated and for qualitative variables like gender and hemorrhagic stroke, frequencies and percentages was calculated.


Results: Our study shows that mean age was 55 years with SD ± 5.71. Fifty six percent patients were male while 44% patients were female. Mean duration of hypertension was 13 years with SD ± 4.63. The incidence of hemorrhagic stroke in hypertensive patients was found to be 54% in our setup.


Conclusion: Our study concludes that the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke among hypertensive patients was found to be 54% in our setup.


Key Words: Hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive patients.


Citation of articles: Khan M, Jabbar A, Khan BA, Ahad A, Ziaullah. Frequency of Hemorrhagic Stroke Among Hypertensive Patients. Med Forum 2017;28(10):45-47.