10. To Determine the Frequency of Dyslipidemia in Primiparous Women, with Hypertension
1. Razia Tariq Qureshi 2. Asma Jabeen 3. Afra Rehman
1. Assoc. Prof. of Gynae and Obst., PUMHS Nawabshah 2. Asstt. Prof. of Gynae and Obst., MMC Mirpur khas
3. Asstt. Prof. of Gynae and Obst., PUMHS Nawabshah
Objective: Objective of this study to determine the abnormalities of lipid profile in primiparous women with hypertension.
Study Design: Observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Gynae Department of MMC and of PUMHS Nawabshah from March 2012 to February 2014.
Materials and Methods: Total 100 primiparous women were chosen in this study after the diagnosis of the gestational hypertension. Cases from second trimester of gestational age were incorporated. Women with systolic blood pressure >130 mmHg, and d blood pressure >90 mm of Hg were considered as hypertensive. Every one of the women with known of fetal abnormalities, DM, abnormalities of the thyroid, ischemic coronary illness, renal failure, liver disease and previous history of lipid profile variations and hypertension before the pregnancy were rejected from the study. Blood tests of all the chose women’s were taken in fasting and refer to hospital diagnostic laboratory for lipid profile. After the taking the reports information with respect to lipid profile and hypertension were recorded on the proforma.
Results: Total 100 ladies were incorporated, mean age was (mean+SD=28.5+4.2) years, gestational age was discovered (mean+SD=30.2 ± 3.1 weeks). Greater part of the women was found with overweight 68%. Dyslipidemia was found in 59% of the women, while 41% women were noted with ordinary lipid profile. As per the abnormalities of lipid profile, all total cholesterol found up in the 49% of the women, taking after by brought LDL was up in 42.0%, HDL was up in 20%, and TG was noted up in the 53.0% of the women. While in the 45% ladies HDL was noted decreased and 35% women were noted with normal HDL.
Conclusion: Variations in the lipid profile are the major reason for hypertension in primiparous women. Therefore it is very important that serum lipid profiles should be constantly observed all through the entire pregnancy period from ahead of diagnosis of hypertension to reduce the maternal morbidity and mortality in young women. Key Words: Primiparous women, lipid profile abnormalities
Citation of article: Qureshi RT, Jabeen A, Rehman A. To Determine the Frequency of Dyslipidemia in Primiparous Women, with Hypertension. Med Forum 2015; 26(12):37-40.