10. Role of Micral Test For the Detection of Microalbuminurea
Amjad Ali1, Muhammad Siyar2, Usman Ali3 and Muhammad Khalid4
Objective: The object of this study is to assess the sensitivity of micral test for detection of microalbuminurea.
Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Place and duration of study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Mardan Medical Complex Mardan from 01 June to 31st May 2017.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 adult type 2 diabetic patients were selected. Stable adult diabetic patients with no sign of complications on clinical examination were selected randomly in medical outdoor patient department irrespective of duration or control of diabetes. Spot urine samples were tested for albumin with Micral strip and then albuminuria was confirmed by 24 hour urinary albumin quantification.
Results: In this study 40% patients were in age range 40-50 years, were in age range 50-60 years and 28% were in age group 60-70 years. Fifty six percent patient were males and 44% patients were females. Eighty one patients showed proteinurea on micral strip method 81% that was confirmed by 24 hour urinary albumin quantification. Eleven patients were showing no proteinuria both on micral strip method and 24 hour urinary quantification 14%. False negative and false positive results were obtained in 4.3% and 13% atients respectively. Sensitivity and specificity was calculated 93% and 89% percent with 94% positive predictive value and 79% negative predictive value.
Conclusion: Micral spot test is a very sensitive and reliable test for detecti n f microalbuminurea.
Key Words: Sensitivity, Micral Test, Microalbuminurea, Diabetes Mellitus
Citation of articles: Ali A, Siyar M, Ali U, Khalid M. Role of Micral Test For the Detection of Microalbuminurea. Med Forum 2017;28(8):36-38.