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10. Frequency of Surgical Intervention Due to Cord Around the Neck
1. Shazia Shaikh 2. Fozia Shaikh 3. Shazia Jatoi
1. Asstt. Prof., Deptt. of Gynae & Obst., 2. Senior Registrar, Deptt. of Gynae & Obst.3. Consultant Gynaecologist,
Deptt. of Gynae & Obst., Shaikh Zaid Women Hospital, CMC & SMBBMU Larkana
Objective: To see the frequency of cord around the neck.
Study Design: Retrospective Observational Study.
Place & Duration of Study: This study was carried out at Shaikh Zaid Women Hospital, CMCH, SMBBMU, Larkana from January 2012 to December 2013.
Materials And Methods: Total patient 8250 taken from Jan 2012 to Dec 2013. All cases were studied in detail with reference to course of labour, mode of delivery, interference required and maternal and fetal outcome. A detailed history was taken and general and systemic examination was done. The muller Munro Kerr maneuver was used to assess the adequacy of the pelvis and diagonal conjugate was accurately measured.
Results: Total patient taken 8250, from Jan 2012 to Dec 2013 among them vaginally delivered 4238(51.3%), 92 have applied forcep 27(0.63%) babies delivered cord around the neck with 30 patient have applied vacuum out of which 16 (0.37%) cord around the neck. Spontaneously vaginal deliveries without surgical intervention 4116 (31.9%), out of which 1312 (15.9%) have cord around the neck. 2360 (28.6%) patient delivered through emergency LSCS. 722(17%) babies with cord around the neck and 1560 (18.9%) patient delivered through elective LSCS among them 759 (17.9%) babies delivered with cord around the neck.
Conclusions: Most of these cases delivered vaginally with minimal maternal and fetal morbidity. Frequency of surgical intervention in these cases can be reduced by proper antenatal care especially in 3rd trimester, by plotting partogram and using oxytocin judiciously during intrapartum period.
Key Words: Surgical intervention, cord around the neck and feto-maternal outcome