10. Etiology and Epidemiology of Patients Presenting with Liver Disease During Pregnancy
1. Aftab Haider Alvi 2. Mirza Muhammad Ilyas Baig 3. Omer Sabir
1. Asstt. Prof. of Gasteroenterology and Hepatology, FMH, Lahore 2. Assoc. Profof Medicine, FMMC, Lahore
3. Senior Registrar of Medicine. FMH, Lahore.
Objective: We conducted this study to elaborate the etiology and epidemiology of liver diseases presenting during pregnancy.
Study Design: It was a prospective, observational study.
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Department of Gastroenterology, Fatima Memorial Hospital in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from June 2011 –May 2013.
Materials and Methods: 73 patients were evaluated. Data was evaluated for quantitative and qualitative variables. Outcome of mother, pregnancy and neonates was also recorded where available.
Results: During the study period 73pregnant patients were evaluated for the presence of liver disease giving an incidence of 3.6%. The mean age of the patients was 26.3 + 3.8 (median: 26, range: 16 – 45) years. The patients presented at a mean gestational age of 5.8 + 2.4 (median: 6, range: 1- 9) months. The mean STB and ALT levels were 11.5 + 8.5 (median: 9.3, range: 1.4 – 48) mg/dL and 943.5 + 887.4 (median: 765, range: 13 – 4810) IU/L respectively. The mean duration of jaundice and mean hospital stay were 6.82 + 5.32 (median: 5, range: 2 – 30) days and 5.6 + 2.7 (median: 5, range: 1 – 18) days. Fulminant hepatic failure was seen in 6.8% of the patients. Acute Hepatitis E was the most frequent diagnosis in our population. Maternal deaths were seen in 8.2%, foetal deaths were seen in 12.3% and neonatal deaths in 6.5%.
Conclusions: Liver diseases during pregnancy can have multiple causes and may predict poor outcomes for the patients and neonates.
Key Words: Hepatitis, Jaundice, Hepatitis in Pregnancy.
Citation of article: Alvi AH, Baig MMI, Sabir O. Etiology and Epidemiology of Patients Presenting with Liver Disease During Pregnancy. Med Forum 2015;26(6):36-39.