10. Depression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthiritis
Syed Shayan Ali1, Munir Hussain2, Babar Bashir3 and Jawwad us Salam3
Objective: To determine the frequency of depression in patients of rheumatoid arthritis presenting at tertiary care hospital, Karachi.
Study Design: Hospital based / cross-sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Department of Medicine of Dow University and Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Karachi from 1st January 2017 to 30th June 2017.
Materials and Methods: The required sample size came out to be 260 rheumatoid patients. Prevalence 42%, margin of error 6% and confidence level ‘C.l’=95%. This sample size was calculated using the open epi software.
Inclusion Criteria: Diagnosed patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis of more than 2 years duration on treatment who met the diagnostic criteria, of either gender, between 30 to 60years of age.
Exclusion Criteria: Patients with symptoms of mania, bipolar affective disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder or other systemic illness.
Results: Out of 260 patients minimum age of the patient was 30 while maximum age of the patient was 60 years. Among 260 patients, 115 (44.2%) were found to have depression. Age distribution shows that out of 260 patients, 53 (20.4%) were in the age range of 30-40 years of ages, 120 (46.25) were between 41-50 years of ages and 87 (33.5%) were in between 51-60 years of ages.
Conclusion: A close liaison between rheumatologist and mental health professionals could prove beneficial for these patients.
Key Words: Depression, Patients, Rheumatoid Arthiritis
Citation of articles: Ali SS, Hussain M, Bashir B, Salam J. Depression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthiritis. Med Forum 2018;29(9):40-43.