10. Competency of Medical Students Regarding Basic Life Support (BLS) in Adult and Children: Training Need Assessment in Peshawar
Saminullah Khan1, Sher Bahadur2, Atta ullah Jan2, Rizwan Anwar2, Gohar Rehman2
Objective: To assess the competency in term of knowledge, attitude and practices of medical students regarding basic life support and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adult and children.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the multicenter based study conducted in four different public private medical colleges in Peshawar during March 2017.
Materials and Methods: A total of 249 sampled subjects were recruited in study using convenience sampling technique through self administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Results: A total of 249 students (mean age 23.27 ± 0.97 years) out of whom 110 (44.2%) male and 139(55.8%) were female. Majority 210(84.3%) of them were aware about nomenclature of BLS and CPR, but small proportion 68(27.4%) of students were able to correctly know about "No signs of life". Nearly half of them knew the correct location of hand and rate of compression for CPR, while 30.1% were able to correctly answer questions about depth of chest compression in adults. Similar finding were also reported for children as well. Misconception was seen as 161(64.9%) considered that there is difference between child and adult BLS protocol. The attitude of student was very positive, thus 152 (61.0%) of them had attended the BLS training but still there was a need for refresher training to retain knowledge and improve the skills.
Conclusion: The competency of medical students in terms of attitude was optimal whilst the knowledge and practices needed to be refreshed through refresher training.
Key Words: Competency, basic life support, Knowledge, attitude, practices, awareness
Citation of articles: Khan S, Bahadur S, Jan A, Anwar R, Rehman G. Competency of Medical Students Regarding Basic Life Support (BLS) in Adult and Children: Training Need Assessment in Peshawar. Med Forum 2019;30(2):39-42.