1. To Study the Frequency of Obesity Among Female Students of Nishtar Medical College, Multan
1. Nasrin Siddique 2. Qaiser Mahmood 3. Affan Qaiser 4. Farhan Jamil 5. Nazish Butt
1. Assoc. Prof. of Community Medicine, 2. Assoc. Prof., Medical Unit-IV, 3. PG Trainee of Medicine,
4. PG Trainee of Community Medicine, 5. House Officer, NMC / Nishtar Hospital, Multan.
Objectives: 1. To find out obesity frequency among female students of Nishtar Medical College by measuring their
Body Mass Index. 2-To create awareness about hazards of obesity among them.
Study Design: Observational / Cross sectional study.
Place and duration of study: This Study was carried out at Nishtar Medical College, Multan from October 2015 to December, 2015.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 250 female students was taken by convenient sampling technique,50 students from each class were included in the study. After taking informed consent, all the desired in formations were collected by developing a structured questionnaire. Excel and SPSS software were used to analyze data.
Results: Out of the total 250 students, 80(32%) were obese and 170(68%) were non-obese. Among the obese students, 24(30%) were from final year and 13(16.25%) were from first year MBBS class. There was very high percentage of obese students 59(73.75%) belonging to middle s ci ec n mic class. Most of the students 42 (52.5%) were consuming 2100-2500 calories/day. Among the obese students, nly 10(12.5%) were doing exercise daily. 22 (27.5%)students had positive family history of obesity. Ab ut 13(16.25%) students were consuming fast food once daily and 46(57.5%)were taking 2-3 times per week.
Conclusion: Obesity is a significant problem among female medi al students. The main risk factors identified were middle economic status, lack of exercise , overall sedentary l fe style, with high calories and fast food consumption. Key Words: Obesity, BMI, Female Medical Students
Citation of article: Siddique N, Mahmood Q, Qa ser A, Jam l F, Butt N. To Study the Frequency of Obesity Among Female Students of Nishtar Medical C llege, Multan. Med Forum 2016;27(2):3-6