1. Surgical Site Infection-A Six Months Prospective Study in General Surgery Unit
Sajid Hussain, Anila Farooq and Rabbia Shabbir
Objective: To find out the incidence of SSI in Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital, Sialkot and identify the risk factors to avoid or minimize the effects of risk factors on development of SSI so as to lessen the burden and improve healthcare.
Study Design: Prospective cohort study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Busiest Unit of General Surgery, Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital, Sialkot from December 2017 to April 2018.
Materials and Methods: Total 861 cases who had surgery were studied. All patients were followed pre-operatively, operatively and post operatively, from the date of discharge to thirty days post operatively to see the outcomes of the surgery.
Results: Total 861 cases were studied pre-operatively, operatively and post operatively and 63 cases were found to developed surgical site infection. The most important factors indentified like age, gender, residence, ASA score, wound classification, type and duration of surgery and their association with SSI was found out. Significant relation was found for age, residence, presence of risk factors, ASA score, previous surgery, wound classification, duration of surgery, type of surgery, and use of pre-op antibiotics whereas insignificant relation was found for gender and length of pre-op stay in hospital. Most infective organisms which were isolated include E.coli, Staph. aureus and P. aureginosa.
Conclusion: SSI is a recognized problem both for the surgeons and the patients. Identification of risk factors and their eradication to minimum level after adopting strategies in order to decrease physical, economical and treatment burden to ensure better healthcare.
Key Words: Surgical site infection, Preoperative, Risk factors, Contamination, Nosocomial infection
Citation of articles: Hussain S, Farooq A, Shabbir R. Surgical Site Infection-A Six Months Prospective Study In General Surgery Unit. Med Forum 2018;29(7):2-6.