1. Relationship of Testosterone with White Blood Cells in Adult Males
Farooq Munfaet Ali Khan1, Muhammad Omar Shamim2, Rashad Mahmood4 and Khuram
Shahzad Khan3
Objective: To establish a probable relationship of serum testosterone with total leucocyte count and differential leucocyte count in Pakistani male population.
Study Design: Cross sectional study
Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, lasting from September 2010 to September 2011.
Materials and Methods: It was conducted on 200 apparently healthy non-smoker males between 30-50 years selected by convenient sampling. Early morning samples of serum total testosterone and WBC count were obtained by phlebotomy after detailed medical history and thorough physical examination. All tests run on the same day and results were calculated.
Results: The mean (±SD) total testosterone was 15.92±6.32nmol/L. The frequency of low testosterone was 13.5%. TLC and neutrophils inversely correlated with testosterone (p< 0.05) whereas lymphocytes, eosinophils and monocytes did not correlate with testosterone.
Conclusion: Low testosterone is prevalent in Pakistani middle age non-smoker apparently healthy men. Significant inverse relationship of testosterone with WBC count showed that physiological variations in testosterone could modulate immune response in Pakistani men.
Key Words: Low testosterone, total leucocyte count, differential leucocyte count.
Citation of article: Khan FMA, Shamim MO, Mahmood R, Rasheed A. Relationship of Testosterone with White Blood Cells in Adult Males. Med Forum 2020;31(3):2-5.