1. Evaluation of Upper Right Abdominal Pain in Patients of Dengue Fever
1. Haris Alvi 2. Muhammad Rehan 3. Abu Talib
1. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, 2. Asstt. Prof. of Medicine, 3. Prof. of Medicine, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Objective: To Evaluate patients with upper Right abdominal pain in dengue fever.
Study Design: Prospective descriptive study
Place and Duration of the Study: This study was conducted at Mamji Hospital Karachi between August 2012 to October 2014.
Materials and Methods: The patients presented with confirmed dengue fever with upper right abdominal pain. The study was conducted in Mamji Hospital F.B area. The data was gathered and analysed on SPSS version 15. Results: Total cases were 113.Males were 62 (55%) and 51(45%) were females. The mean age was 27 + 9. With the range from 18 to 36 years. Males were slightly more than females. The causes of abdominal pain were acalculus cholicystitis in 57 cases(50%), hepatitis in 17 cases(15%) , pancreatitis in 5 cases(4.4%) and no cause was detected in 34 cases(30%).Total leukocyte count was not high and thrombocytes were low in every case. SGPT was mildly(Less than 100) raised in 71 cases (63%), moderately raise (more than 200) in 27 cases (23%) and severely raised in 12 cases (10.6%) ( more than300) and in 03 cases (3%) the SGPT was normal. Ultrasound finding of acute acalculus cholecystitis were enlarged gallbladder with thickened wall in 57 cases (50%) while 9 cases (8%) had gall stones without inflammatory signs. Perihepatic fluid in 35 cases (31%). Swollen pancreas were noted in 5 cases (4.4%). Amylase were raised in 13 cases (11.5%) and serum lipase were raised in 5 cases (4.6%).
Conclusion: The acalculus cholecyctitis is one of the the commonest cause of upper abdominal pain in dengue fever. It is also consider as an early sign of severe infection.
Key Words: Dengue fever, upper abdominal pain, ultrasound abdomen
Citation of article: Alvi H. Rehan M, Talib A. Evaluation of Upper Right Abdominal Pain in Patients of
Dengue Fever. Med Forum 2015;26(12):3-6.